Why do we like certain characters? What makes us feel like we understand and relate to certain characters more than others? How do we as writers create characters that readers will like? Character development is arguably the most important part of a novel, tied with plot development. It's so important because of… Continue reading Characters
Category: Me Rambling
My Year in Books
This past year I've read a lot of books. To be fair, the majority of the books were books I've read before, but I thought it would be fun to share what I've read. These are in no particular order because I don't actually remember when I read all of these. My… Continue reading My Year in Books
The First Draft
The first draft of a novel is a huge deal. It's a major accomplishment for any writer to achieve. You spend hours and hours plotting and planning and staring at the computer screen in a crazed caffeine induced state. And writing that last sentence is when all your hard work pays off and you're… Continue reading The First Draft
Famous First Lines
The hardest part about writing a book is always the first chapter. We write it over and over again because there's far too much pressure on a single sentence to capture attention, and a couple thousand words to do too many things. It's the readers' first impression of a story, and first impressions are… Continue reading Famous First Lines
NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 2.5
I was supposed to post some inspiration today as it is midway through the week but I have something far more important to share. I finished Powerful. That's right. I finally finished. The idea came to me September 2014. I wrote the first first chapter the day I got the idea. And I… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 2.5
NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 2
Here's my stats so far:Week 1- Started at 64,497 - Ended at 81,093 - Wrote 16,596Week 2- Started at 81,093 - Ended at 91,383 - Wrote 10,290 Not as impressive as week one, but still good. I passed the 90,000 word mark, which was super awesome and I celebrated yesterday with a… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 2
Take Care
Today I'm taking a "me day" because I've started to wear down. I was crazy productive last week because I was riding that NaNoWriMo/writing the climax/caffeine high and I was crazy. But what happens when you spend a week staring at a computer screen writing and doing nothing else? You burn out. … Continue reading Take Care
NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 1
Well, the first week of NaNoWriMo has ended and here's where everything stands so far:Week 1- Started at 64,497 - Ended at 81,093 - Wrote 16,596 That's pretty awesome, right? I got 7 chapters written out of the 15 I had left. That's right, I got almost halfway through my entire November… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2015 Week 1
Writing is Hard
Any artist knows that their work is hard. Painting, writing, music, etc. These tasks are so difficult because progress is hard to track. Any designing is done purely in the mind, and sometimes thoughts are too convoluted to sort out and put onto paper. So many people read books and think, "This… Continue reading Writing is Hard
NaNoWriMo 2015
Happy November everyone! You know what that means- That's right it's National Novel Writing Month! Hooray! In case you missed my NaNoWriMo posts from last year, you can find all 9 here. It consists of Pep Talks taken from NaNoWriMo's website and updates on how my writing went. Last year my goal was to… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2015