Me Rambling, Writing Practice

My Actual Plans

    I’m still making some last minute changes to my weekly schedule, but I’m not planning on starting it until Sunday. I’ll go through one week of my new schedule while making notes about how every day goes, then come next weekend I’ll make any changes I need to.
    Here’s the visual I made so I can more easily track my writing progress-

    It’s kind of pitiful to look at. I’ve only written nine chapters?! I’m no where close to finishing, and I’ve been working on this since January. Yeah, posting this is embarrassing. I’m a major procrastinator. 
    But that’s why I’m setting myself up with a weekly schedule, and that’s why I’m setting weekly goals for myself. If I can write two chapters a week, I’ll have Powerful done by the first week of December!
    Here’s basically my week-

Sunday– Write blog post and set to post on Monday.
Monday– Write!!!! I have set aside that whole day to write, but I’ve learned that I can’t just sit and write. I need to take some breaks (not tv breaks!) to get up and move around. I’m planning to take Puppy of Mine on a walk, and to get myself out of the apartment. I can’t just sit and write in the same spot everyday. I’ve given myself five different writing spots in the new apartment, and I’m also planning on getting out of the apartment and going to places like Barnes & Noble so I can have a different environment. Hopefully that will help me write.
Tuesday– Laundry day. Yeah, I actually have to schedule that in because if I don’t then it won’t get done. But I’ve given myself the entire day to relax and watch tv while doing laundry and crocheting.  Not only will this help me to be productive, but it also gives me time to recharge after dedicating a whole day to writing. I’ve also tentatively scheduled a time to work out with Sister of Mine who lives down the street. Depending on her school schedule, that may or may not happen.
Wednesday– Write a blog post to post on Thursday. In case you didn’t notice, I’m giving myself plenty of time to get these dumb posts written and posted before the week is over. That way I can actually make sure they get done. Hopefully this will also give me a chance to inspire myself so I’m ready to write. As of right now, the rest of this day is dedicated to critiquing on Scrib. Both writing a blog post and critting take a decent amount of energy, so I’m not yet sure that I’ll have the ability to dedicate this day to writing. This is one of the things I’m testing out next week. I’ve also scheduled a dog walk in between writing a blog post and critting because I need to get up and walk around before staring at the computer more.
Thursday– Another solid day of writing, and another tentatively scheduled time to work out with Sister of Mine. Hopefully that will give me a break in the middle of my writing.
Friday– Friday is kind of a crazy day. It’s my errand day (grocery shopping!), it’s the day I’m planning on taking Puppy of Mine to the dog park (which just opened in June!), it’s cleaning day, and it’s finishing whatever needs to be finished for the week. If I haven’t hit my chapter goal or I’m feeling super inspired, I’ll work on that. If I need to do more critting, I’ll do that. If I’m exhausted and just need to relax, I’ll do that (but only if I’ve hit my goals!). Basically, I’ve given myself Friday to catch up.
Saturday– I have nothing scheduled for Saturday because it is my day with Husband of Mine to do whatever and relax.
    I didn’t set myself up with a weekly word goal, because I’d rather go by chapter. In my visual counter, I wrote up to 120,000 words because I’m not sure yet how long Powerful will be, but I do know that it will be 39 chapters. I’ve got 30 to go. 15 weeks. Hopefully I can get this done! Wish me luck!
    ~Allie May

1 thought on “My Actual Plans”

  1. Wow! Hang in there, Allie! You have a lot going planned.

    I love the way you have things balanced, too. All work and no time for yourself and family will hinder your progress more than anything else. You need to keep your physical and mental health at its best.

    Nothing like sitting at a computer for long periods of time to make you unable to accomplish your goals.

    I wish you the best.
    -William 🙂

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