I used half a pen's worth of ink taking 35+ pages of notes at LTUE. The majority of those notes were stuff people said that was really good advice I wanted to remember, but I also had quite a few moments of inspiration and I made about a thousand notes in the margins… Continue reading LTUE Days 2 & 3
Category: Me Rambling
LTUE Day 1
The first day of LTUE was AMAZING! I (finally!) met Andrea Pearson, whose book I beta read back in August. I talked about it here, too. She was on four panels today, and will be on two tomorrow and three on Saturday. It was awesome to finally meet her after only having… Continue reading LTUE Day 1
I apologize for spamming everyone with news about my adventures at Physical Therapy. I know some of you care, and some of you are like, "Hey, Alyson, I thought this was a writing blog. Where's the writing?" Well, that's why I figured I'd give a bonus blog post this week! Which I guess really… Continue reading LTUE
Be Hardcore, Advice from Shannon Hale
In case you don't remember my post from about a month ago, my favorite author is Shannon Hale. I follow her blog, squeetus, and occasionally she posts some really helpful and insightful posts about being a writer. The other posts are usually updates about her work and life (she has twin daughters who have… Continue reading Be Hardcore, Advice from Shannon Hale
Tips to Finish
So for the past month I've been seriously struggling with my writing. I've done a lot of work on my writing, but I haven't really written anything. I've outlined and outlined and outlined, and I've done so many character sketches that I've run out of characters to sketch. But I haven't written anything. I… Continue reading Tips to Finish
Best Day Ever
Christmas of 2007, my grandma gave me a book called The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. I fell in love with the book and begged for the rest of the series. The second book, Enna Burning, is still my favorite book to this day. Over the years I've had to buy newer versions… Continue reading Best Day Ever
NaNoWriMo 2014 The End
Today is December 1st, 2014. NaNoWriMo is officially over. It ended at 11:59 pm last night. My word count for November is 20,226. That's right, I hit made it to my 20,000 word goal. Here's the official week by week tally: Week 1- 6,255 words - 20,372 words total Week 2-… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2014 The End
NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 4
So this week was not as successful as last week. My NaNoWriMo so far look like this: Week 1- 6,255 words - 20,372 words total Week 2- 9,273 words - 15,528 words so far - 29,645 words total Week 3- 4,435 words - 19,963 words so far - 34,080 words total … Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 4
NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 3
It has been 14 days since I set a goal for myself to write 5,000 words a week (20,000 words by the end of the month). If you take a look at the word counter off to the right, you'll see that I'm now at 29,645 words for Rose. 14 days ago I… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 3
NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 2
Since my last post, I've been doing some major writing. In case you didn't see the new word counter I added a few days ago (it's underneath the Subscribe and Share buttons on the right), I'm here to give a brief update on my work with Rose. When I did my… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2014 Week 2